What Parents Say About Us

Here are some of the lovely comments made by children, parents and visitors to St Thomas Centre Nursery School.


“The Nursery is a milestone in our child's life. She has improved vastly in her communication and social skills”.


“I would like to thank the Nursery staff for the care and education provided to my child. I feel that the teaching and the way staff interact with parents is exceptional...”


“We are SO grateful to all the staff who know and care about our child. She loves coming to Nursery because she is engaged daily, has such amazing experiences and is making friends. There is a real family atmosphere that we love yet we are repeatedly struck by the staff's professional manner, Thank you!”


“It is excellent, and I can't wait for my younger daughter to attend. The staff are excellent, everything is excellent. A BIG thank you to everyone!”


“I think St Thomas Nursery School is the best place for a child before they start Primary School. Staff take pride in their job and love what they d,o therefore the children are happy. Everything is of a high standard and that is why I have sent all of my children there.” 


“I'm happy with the Nursery because they always try to keep me informed anything happens to my child. I am asked my opinion and involvement with every aspect of my child. I am so happy with my child's development since starting the nursery.”


 “A really outstanding Nursery, keep up the good work.”


St Thomas Centre Nursery School

Bell Barn Road,

Lee Bank,


B15 2AF

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 464 0003

Email: enquiry@stcn.bham.sch.uk

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