Early Years Curriculum
🔴 We follow the statutory framework of the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which covers children from birth to five years of age, however we take into account the individual needs, learning styles and interests of the children.
🔴 We have a rich teaching and learning environment and believe this to be key in providing for every child's learning experience.
🔴 Continuous Provision offers children a familiar environment that is safe for them to explore over time whilst challenging their learning opportunities.
🔴 We allow children the freedom to explore and become independent in making choices.
The Early Years Foundation Stage follows a principled approach under four themes:
- A Unique Child
- Positive Relationships
- Enabling Environments
- Learning and Development
We get to know our children well, through observation, talk and play. We take account of every child's individual needs and develop our curriculum to reflect the children's needs and interests. We believe strongly in every child's right to an education.
The Prime Areas are the most essential for your child's development and future learning. It is through these that children access the world around them and build relationships with other people, which in turn opens the doors to learning in all other areas. Children will continue to follow the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Framework when they have moved onto their Reception year in primary school.
Prime areas
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
Specific areas
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Children learn by playing and exploring and being active. Child centred learning supports, promotes and develops positive attitudes towards learning.
- All children are valued. We build upon children's previous experience at home and take into account children's interests and strengths as we play. Our aim is to develop the natural curiosity in children by encouraging them to ask questions and try to find answers. Observation and documentation are used as part of our practice.
- Details of your child's progress and achievements will be shared with you and their primary school. There will be opportunities to meet with your child's key worker during the year in addition to informal discussions.